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1 comment / Posted on by Hana Woodward

 Adam Vu Noir x T.U.K. Footwear

 We teamed up with various tattoo artists to showcase their talents on our iconic creepers. Using our shoes as their canvas, tattoo creepers were born. Each month a new artist collaboration will be released at limited quantities you wont want to miss. Our loyal customers have continued to support us, so we want to continue to support our community.



Tell us about yourself, where you tattoo at & the shoes that you customized: 

My name is Adam Vu Noir. From Los Angeles, California. I work and operate a studio called STRANGELOVE in the beautiful neighborhood of Echo Park. 

I chose the classic white creeper. It’s been the best damn one since day one. 


Is the art style similar to your usual tattooing style? 

I would hope so.


What was the inspiration behind the Tattoo Creepers you created? 

I designed the illustrations on the Tattoo Creepers based on the shapes and sections of the shoe. What imagery I felt would fit best in each part.


Where do you typically draw inspiration from? 



Besides tattooing, what’s your favorite medium? 

Brush, pencil, pen, glue, tape, and anything around. 




1 comment

  • Posted on by Marc Collins

    How can I purchase these shoes

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