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0 comments / Posted on by Megan Neibert


Our Tattoo Creeper project is a way to collaborate with talented artists to add their spin on our creepers. We love working with creatives in any capacity & we want to see the world from their lens. To check out more of Christina's work head to her Instagram 


Tell us about yourself & the shoes that you customized: 

I am a makeup artist and content creator in LA and especially love all things spooky! For the shoes, I wanted to create a design that represented different aspects of my makeup style. The chains and spiderwebs are the spooky and grungy side and then the black rhinestones and lace give a little bit of soft glam and sparkle. I also love a chunky boot, so these were obviously a clear choice! 


How would you describe your art style? 

My makeup art style is definitely a mix of pretty, spooky, edgy, and whimsical. I feel like combining the styles creates something intriguing and different to the usual makeup content. I also love editing and photography, so changing the environment of a photo to make it feel like I’m immersed into a specific space is really exciting to me. I always like to add a little twist to everything I do, something unexpected!


Who or what is your biggest artistic inspiration?

I am constantly inspired by other creatives on social media, whether it’s other makeup artists, illustrators, tattoo artists, or digital artists, photographers etc. - They all have different styles and type of content which inspire me to expand in the type of art I create. Halloween, is obviously another inspiration wit the mysterious, darkness, and thrill of that season will always intrigue me. 


What’s your typical process of coming up with a new design?

I usually draw out all my designs ahead of time.  Sometimes I have a clear idea of what I want to do, or sometimes I only have certain aspects figured out but no idea of how I want it to come together. So drawing my ideas out, even if it’s a mess at first, really helps me to hone in on exactly what I want included or not and how I want it laid out. 


What piece of yours is your all-time favorite and why? 

Oh no, that’s so hard to pick! I don’t know if I can pick one favorite, but I can definitely pick an overall type of piece. I love the looks I create, where I fully become the character with both makeup, clothes, and change the environment as well.  Usually they have a spooky or whimsical twist of course, but I love how it becomes more than just a makeup look and gives a lot to look at and explore. 


What is your favorite thing about being an artist?

Makeup and art has always been really therapeutic for me. When I am creating, I am usually not thinking about all the stress that life brings and am really just focusing on what I am doing in that moment. I also love that there is always room to grow, learn and explore from others! 


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