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3 comments / Posted on by Hana Woodward


This weeks featured artist is Jordyn Hilton from Portland, Oregon. She Customized the Black TUKskin™️ Viva Mondo boots with a floral twist.


To check out more of her work head to her Instagram 




Tell me about yourself:

I have been a Tattooer living and working in Portland for three years now. I have always been an artist and my one true love will always be Printmaking! I graduated from UNC with a Printmaking Degree and found my way into tattooing a couple years later, the two are very similar in many ways. I have an obsession with plants and have drawn them ever since I can remember. Some of my fondest memories are with my Grandma Bonnie sitting in her craft room making art until we dropped. She would always commission me to make paintings of flowers for her home and when she passed I found myself still creating things for her. Every flower I draw holds a special place of nostalgia in my heart. 


How long have you been tattooing for?

I have been tattooing for three years now! It has been such a wild ride and I can imagine myself doing anything else for the rest of my life.


What made you want to become a tattoo artist?

When I was growing up I was always fascinated by traditional tattoos, they were so timeless and beautiful. I was always interested in tattooing when I was getting out of highschool but I really had no idea how someone would get into a shop without knowing anyone in the business. When I made it to college a lot of my peers told me that I should become a tattoo artist. I was too timid at that point and didn't really know if I could cut it. Once I had graduated I knew that I would be moving to Portland to live my dream of becoming a freelance artist but tattooing was always on the back of my mind. I made really good friends with some tattooers working in the  service industry and made the jump to start tattooing. It was the best decision I have made in my life! I have met some of my life long idols, I get to travel the world making my art and I have made some of the closest friends I will ever have. 


Why did you decide to customize the shoes the way you did?

I love to do free hand tattoos so I thought it would be fun to go in blind and not really have a plan. 


How was working on this project for you?

It was super fun! I don't really get to work on a lot of other projects other than tattoos so it was really nice to get to work on something else for a change! I have always been into fashion and really struggled at first with what design to put on the shoes. It really boiled down to making these shoes for myself in a way, I wanted to design something that I would want to wear all the time. 


Are you currently working on any other projects?

Just a ton of fash! I have so much time to draw these days so I have been working on projects that I really want to tattoo when everything gets back to normal!


How long have you been an artist for?

Oh gosh, ever since I can remember!


What’s your favorite tattoo that you have & why?

My favorite tattoo would have to be a tattoo I got from my dear friend Ori, we traveled to New York last year to tattoo together. We go there to visit our best friends at Small Shop Tattoo. New York has always held such a special place in my heart because it houses so many people that I love. One night me and Ori were at work and we created a poem together about our trip that reads "Falling Through, Laughing Sirens, Sunset Balconies". It is a very special tattoo to me. 


How were you keeping busy during quarantine?

Animal Crossing. So much Animal Crossing hahahaha. 




  • Posted on by Ann Hilton

    These boots are great. Love them I have so many friends who would wear them. Do you make clogs or shoes? They are so beautiful. Keep up the amazing work.

  • Posted on by Gary N Hilton

    My granddaughter, proud of how you have developed your career. Your fond memories of Bonnie made my tears flow again. Love always, your grandpa gdawg….

  • Posted on by Dana

    I am looking to do a collab with you guys! I want to draw on a pair of shoes and I figured I would reach out before just doing so and advertising it!
    My Instagram is @dv_artt if you want to check out my work!
    Dana Vargas

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